Hip Stability and Mobility to Prevent Pain May 01, 2024

Getting strong as we age is important. But creating strength without stability is like building a million-dollar house on a straw foundation. You need stability and mobility, then strength. As we age this becomes even more important. If you've ever had someone tell you they all of a sudden hurt...

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Age Gracefully, Live Vibrantly: Feeling Good Over 50 Apr 23, 2024

As we move into our 50’s, 60’s and beyond, we shift our perspective. We didn’t make it this far without growing and learning. Think back to your 30’s and even early 40’s, what was important to you then in regard to your health and wellness? Was it more about how you...

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Wisdom and Wellness: Holistic Approaches to Pain Relief for Women Over 50 Apr 17, 2024

As we grow older it doesn't mean we have to feel older. Aging doesn’t have to equate to aches and pains and suffering. It is essential to acknowledge that physiological changes in the body will occur over time. As we age our bodily systems undergo gradual wear and tear. The cumulative...

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Gain Energy and Lose Weight While Balancing Hormones Naturally Apr 09, 2024

Menopause brings on hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain and decrease in energy levels. This can become a vicious cycle. If we lack energy, how are we going to have the drive to workout effectively? Contrary to popular belief, achieving weight loss and increasing energy levels is not an...

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Weight Loss Strategies for Women Over 50 Apr 03, 2024

As a health coach and personal trainer, a question I get asked a lot is “How can I lose weight?” I’m sure you’ve heard so many different strategies and diets. Unfortunately, many don’t work, at least in the long term. I could give you basic information that you...

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How to Beat Cravings and Belly Fat After 50 Mar 27, 2024

We live in an environment where new information is coming at us all the time. We’re told what to eat. What not to eat. Once we’re over 50 and are going through or have gone through menopause, closer attention to what we eat becomes even more important for our body composition and our...

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Empowering Change: Building Muscle During Menopause Mar 20, 2024

What's your workout like? Are you consistent every week with strength training? The American Heart Association recommends strength training at least twice a week.  You don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Two or three 20-minute sessions a week is really all you need to see and feel...

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Unlocking Comfort: A Holistic Approach to Well-being for Women Over 50 Mar 13, 2024

Entering our second half doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort or letting go of a positive body image. For women over 50, embracing a holistic approach to well-being can lead to newfound comfort, both physically and mentally. In this blog post we’ll explore how addressing common...

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Joint Pain in Menopause Mar 06, 2024

Menopause is a unique experience for every woman marked with changes that extend beyond hot flashes and mood swings. One often overlooked aspect of this stage is joint pain. As the body undergoes hormonal fluctuations and estrogen levels decline this can contribute to joint stiffness and pain.


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Home Cooking for Health and Weight Loss Feb 28, 2024

Probably the biggest obstacle I hear from clients is that “time is precious”, especially when it comes to eating home cooked meals. But a strong case can be made for home cooking!  Can you think of any more effective way to eat? Home cooking is more nutritious, cost-effective,...

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Weight Loss After 50 Feb 20, 2024

One of the frustrations I hear from women over 50 is the weight gain or the “shifting of body weight” that you felt once you went through menopause. I understand. My body is different than it was 20 years ago too. We are constantly changing. One of the first things I talk about with...

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What Does Holistic Wellness Look Like for Women After 50 Feb 14, 2024

The Marion Webster’s definition of holistic is relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.

The definition of wellness is the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought...

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