The Hiddens Dangers of Belly Fat for Women Over 50 and How to Combat It Jul 16, 2024

As we age, it can become more difficult to manage our weight. Hormonal changes, a more sedentary lifestyle and a slowing metabolism can all contribute to weight gain. One of the biggest concerns in this age group is the accumulation of belly fat. This isn’t just about aesthetics, belly fat,...

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Mindful Eating Techniques for Weight Loss After 50 Jun 19, 2024

What is Mindful Eating

You may recognize this scenario. You’ve been working all morning and all of a sudden you’re starving. You only have 20 minutes for lunch so you decide to work through lunch while eating your salad or sandwich. You’re proud that you’re multitasking...

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How Balancing Insulin Levels Will Help You Lose Weight for Good Jun 04, 2024

As we women age, it becomes more important to maintain a healthy weight. For women over 50, hormonal changes, a slower metabolism, and lifestyle factors can all contribute to weight gain. However, one often overlooked factor in unexplained weight gain is insulin levels. By understanding and...

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Is a Fitness Tracker a Good Idea? May 29, 2024

In a day and age when we’re connected to technology do we really need to have one more gadget with us all day long? My answer is, we’re all individuals and we need to make our own decisions. I believe a fitness tracker is useful because it tells us where we’re at and can help...

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Weight Loss Strategies for Women Over 50 Apr 03, 2024

As a health coach and personal trainer, a question I get asked a lot is “How can I lose weight?” I’m sure you’ve heard so many different strategies and diets. Unfortunately, many don’t work, at least in the long term. I could give you basic information that you...

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Empowering Change: Building Muscle During Menopause Mar 20, 2024

What's your workout like? Are you consistent every week with strength training? The American Heart Association recommends strength training at least twice a week.  You don’t have to spend hours at the gym. Two or three 20-minute sessions a week is really all you need to see and feel...

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Weight Loss After 50 Feb 20, 2024

One of the frustrations I hear from women over 50 is the weight gain or the “shifting of body weight” that you felt once you went through menopause. I understand. My body is different than it was 20 years ago too. We are constantly changing. One of the first things I talk about with...

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