What if I told you that you can live yourĀ best lifeĀ even in your 50ā€™s?

If you are a woman in her 50ā€™s who is:

  • Struggling to lose weight and stay consistent with healthier eating habitsĀ 
  • Not sure of where to start on your health and wellness journeyĀ 
  • Juggling work, family, and personal commitments
  • Frustrated with ineffective diets and exercise regimes.
  • Struggling with the physical and emotional changes of menopause.
  • TIRED of living with chronic back issues, and other aches and painsĀ 
  • Is tired of the quick fix dieting
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I Have A Program Designed Specifically For You!

The 6 Pillars of Wellness 12-Week Program is a journey of transformation created specifically for the woman in her 50ā€™s who wants to reclaim her life and live beyond the borders of her age!

Balancing the challenges of menopause can be EXTREMELY discouraging, especially if you are always on the goā€¦ with the 6 Pillars of Wellness, you will take back everything you THOUGHT you lost after 50.


Letā€™s LIVE!

Hello, I'm Maria Rigo!

For over two decades, I've passionately pursued a career in health and fitness. As a seasoned health coach, I bring a wealth of expertise, including my roles as a certified personal trainer, Pilates and MELT Method instructor, and skilled chef. My heart lies in guiding menopausal women towards a thriving midlife, helping them to eliminate unwanted belly fat and achieve a natural balance in their hormones.Ā 


Not too long ago I was JUST like you ā€“ trying to navigate life after hitting 50 and figuring out how to regulate my body after menopause. In my 20s I was diagnosed with Hashimotos which catapulted me into becoming my healthiest self then! Once I reached menopause, I realized that what I did in my 20s wasnā€™t necessarily going to work in this new stage of life.


From then, I took what I have learned to turn my midlife into my BEST LIFE and have guided women from their 50-70ā€™s into freedom of hormonal imbalances, back pain, and all of the things that ā€˜go withā€™ getting older.

Learn More

What Others Are Saying:Ā 


"Before I decided to do the 6 pillar program, I had digestive issues, weak knees, slept poorly and was stressed out! I knew I had to make a change but was a little hesitant to spend the time and the money. Maria helped me to change my mind because she said the one thing that really stuck in my mind. She said, I have to invest in myself and realize Iā€™m number one!Ā  She was so right!"





"Before 6 PillarsĀ but IĀ was in a really bad spot, I was really struggling. I tried a variety of things but just couldn't get anything to become habit forming. Now I follow my Pillars and get my sleep and eat notoriously, I've incorporated intermittent fasting. I'm now a size 8, I was a size 12. It's funny, it's not the weight loss, it's the shape of my body. I have my waist back! It's incredible! My bum is firmer, things just fit differently."


"The Rebalance sequence helped make the right side feel less locked and dominant for sure and I did feel relief. The foot and hand treatments felt great too. Also, it looks like my weight is about 5-7 pounds down from last month. I know we arent focused on numbers but the mindfulness about what Iā€™m eating Iā€™m sure has something to do with that. Thanks so much again for all of your help."

The 6 Pillars of Wellness Are:Ā 



Stress Relief



The MELT MethodĀ 



Your life begins when you understand health. Itā€™s time to get started.

In this extensive 12-week program you will:

  • Understand your body's needs during menopause.
  • Begin gentle, core-strengthening exercises.
  • Initiate a balanced, hormone-friendly diet.
  • Advanced exercise routines for core strength and pain relief.
  • Deep dive into stress relief techniques.
  • Master self-care routines for long-term health.
  • Develop a personalized plan for post-program success.
  • Celebrate your journey with newfound confidence and vitality.

Spaces are limited!

The program begins onĀ January 29thĀ 

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Whoever said that life after 50 is ALL downhill - has NEVER taken part in my 6 Pillars of Wellness Program!